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"Of Ships and the Sea"
Added on: Mon May 07 2001
Page: 2 3 4 5 6 

Modeling of the ships

It was a very nice contest theme for me, because I really like ships, especially sailing ships and I made loads of plastic and wood models in my young ages. For this reason my first step was that I went up to the attic and I took out a dusty box with some blueprints. I chose of a Swedish battle frigate from the XVII century called Vasa. This quite interesting ship is the base of both models in the picture. During the building of the Vasa ship the main goal was to make a fast but dangerous frigate with heavy armament, therefore was designed with two cannon rows (64 cannon) however, with a lower diving level.

My goal was to make a painting like picture like some famous paintings from the XVII century from P.J De Loutherbourg and other famous painters. I scanned the blueprints and used them as reference pictures in the 3DSMax viewports:

The body of the ship was modelled with spline patch modelling. First I drew the main frames with splines and after that I used the surface modifier to get the desired surface. I made the side of the pop and quarter decks in the same way, and the balconies and cabins were made using standard primitive objects.

The gunports were made with boolean substraction operation. As the side of the ship's body doesn't have thickness, I made frames around the gunports as it can be seen on the real ship.

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