"The Junkyard" Added on: Wed Feb 27 2002 |
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I had in my mind two main elements that I wanted to use. The first one, a "mine worker" a kind of robot similar to actual robots used to deactivate explosives, and another similar to actual robots used in the car industry.
I made the -mine worker- first. I made a simple test without measures and without sketches making an arm using primitives, later the torax, head, chains...
So I kept adding objects, and the model was finished in no time. It was not necessary to do any research, since I just used the idea I had in my mind.
For the industrial robot I did some research first because I couldnt remember all the details. I always seen theses actual robots in movement, welding and freeing sparks without time to catch all the details.
This took a while because all instances with "robot" on the web, was sci-fi humanoid robots from films or toys. Finally I found some photos on the web.
I could see all the significant parts to create my own robot using primitives.

The robots were done using mainly a composition of assembled primitive objects (cylinders, cubes, torus�).

The -mine worker- was fully created by using primitives except: torax, head and base that are deformed cubes into mesh subdivision smoother (hypernurbs), hands and chains are extruded splines and the small cable from head is a pipe object.