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"Blue Collar"
Added on: Sat Jun 01 2002
Page: 2 3 4 5 


It was a challenge to carry out this contest in the middle of my exams. 7 days only was short and I had no ideas yet. I had to find a solid concept & layout of the future image.

With only 7 days I decided not to create hair or hands, hole bodies or sophisticated clothes. the puzzle idea came from here (no hair and no ear as well) ; it would "metaphorise" the way how people were thinking a century ago.


Few minutes of reflection on blue collar workers told me 4 things:

1. they carry the society (Working class by Emile Zola)
2. they are not the men they were (in this hell, after-effects)
3. they undergo pressure
4. they are at the bottom of the hierarchy

I wanted to draw a head in the foreground, having an exhausted expression. Human heads can be quite impressive when realistic and nice looking.
Then I wondered how to show pressure on this character, I mean a symbolic opposition (upper class against working class) The shoe on top is this symbol.


I concentrated my efforts on a left view of my character. Indeed if the proportions my character look nice in the left view, it is really bad looking if you watch it from a face view (I didn�t have time to be perfect) but I just wanted a single scene, so who cares.


I began drawing splines in left and face view at the same time. It is quite an easy operation if you are an advanced designer (drawing faces with pencils on paper). These first splines are crucial because they show how material will evolve. The following operation needs attention but is easier if your first splines are cleverly drawn. So a I designed a spline cage ; splines are intersecting in 4-patchs and 3-patchs only (I used a surface modifier to generate patches from splines).

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