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Lesson 1 - Introduction to Painter Classic
Added on: Sun May 28 2000
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Introduction to Painter Classic

Goals in this lesson will be to learn about the major features of the interface, explore the names, basic functions, "ideal" usage and main controls for each of Painter Classic tools.

What is Painter Classic ?

Metacreation's Painter Classic is an easy-to-use, stripped down version of Painter. Like Painter, Painter Classic is mainly a painting program that let's you simulate real world art materials like felt pens, oils, charcoal, color pencils and water colors to name a few. Painter Classic also features tools for editing photographs.

[Note] Metacreations and Wacom are kind enough to give away a free copy of Painter Classic with each Intuos Wacom tablet sold. Because of this we feel that we can reach more people by making this tutorial Painter Classic spesific. If you have Painter regular version by all means use it. It features all the controls of Painter Classic, plus a few more. Visit for more information on the latest version of Painter.

The interface

Interface of Painter Classic is organized in a standard Windows fashion; across a series of main menus and a set of floating palettes (not unlike Photoshop). There are four main (floating) palettes: Tools Palette, Brush Palette, Art Palette and Controls Palette. Each palette can be hidden and revealed through the Windows menu.

  • The Tools palette
  • is where you can find standard tools like: Eye Dropper, Selection tool, Crop, Text, Paint bucket and most important The Brush (does all the painting). For more information on each tool read the online help.

  • The Controls palette
  • contains options for the tool selected in the Tools palette

  • The Brushes palette
  • This palette holds all the different brushes. It only displays 3 brushes at once. To access the rest of Painter Classic brushes click on the drawer pushbar (the light purple rectangle). Painter Classic drawer reveals a sub-menu with more tools/controls for the current palette. The Brush category menu and Brush variant menu can also be clicked to reveal more options.

Screenshot of the Brushes palette with the Drawer open

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