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The Creation of a Benchmark
Added on: Wed Nov 21 2001
Page: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 

Data Collection Method

The science of data is numbers. The more data you have, the more statistically correct your data becomes, while reducing the number of possible variables and errors you may encounter. The method used by 3dluvr to collect vital viewport performance
data follows this method.

  1. On a fresh installation of 3dsmax4.2, Max is opened with 3dsmax.exe -h command line.
    This presents a variety of options which are first explored by taking a Software Heidi Baseline to use as a control.

  2. The first benchmark scene is opened after Max has finished loading.

  3. This scene is kept at its DEFAULT values, with the only user interfacing occurring when the �play� button is depressed

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