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Redefining Speed (A look at In-House render tests)
Added on: Fri May 17 2002
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Lighting/Stress - SpecMark Architecture

Specmark created a 3dsmax benchmarking suite over a year ago for Max R3. One of the scenes, Architecture.max, was recently used at to test a variety of systems. To help standardize the type of tests run on a variety of sites, I�ve included this both for its heavy computational time and to promote future render standards.

Animation - ViewportDragon

What�s better then one rendered frame? How bout one hundred rendered frames? This scene is borrowed from the viewport tests and features a low polygon dragon in a demonstration of various multitexturing and particle effects shots. It also takes a really long time to render.

This scene is only run at NTSC resolution, because I eventually needed my computer back to play Jedi Knight II.

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