Afterburn: Advanced Explosions Added on: Mon Jul 09 2001 |
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Now we want to get Afterburn to use our particle system for it's emitter, so click on the 'Pick Particle Systems/Daemons' button (with the latest version of Afterburn for Max 4 it's a little hand) and click on your parray particle system.

Click on the 'Show in viewport' button so you can see a bunch of spheres repersenting the fireballs. The icon is a little monitor located next to the little greg light switch button. Once you've clicked on it you'll need to go to at least frame 10 to be able to see the particles since they emit from frame 10.

Although the next step isn't necessary it's handy to practice it just so you know it's there.
Under 'Particles property' make sure the 'Part. Start' is 0 and change the 'Part. Life' to 50, and click on the grey 'Use' Button so it activates it. By default Afterburn uses the particles emitting and life information but in some cases you may need to manually specify when it starts and dies.
If the use button isn't active, then it won't use those settings, but if it's on it will igore the particles properties and use it's own settings.

Now go down to the gradients area, click on 'Colour 1'. A gradient ramp will pop up, change the values to something similar to below: Mainly the first colour being yellow with a tint of orange, and the second at about quarter length of the ramp being orange, the next one should be about half way, it should be the same colour but less saturation and it should be darker.