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Afterburn: Advanced Explosions
Added on: Mon Jul 09 2001
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Basically the shape is a fractal pattern and it's based on a numerical algorythm which we want to make cycle so it changes shape as if it is moving. This will basically just animate the shape of the pattern though it will not move the ball around or reposition it. You can see what it's doing by moving the little bar below the black preview window next to the shape parameters around so you can see it animating.

Okay if you render a frame now it might look a bit dull and orange, not exactly a 3D CGI explosion, or at least not a very good one. There are two things we still need to do, one of them is create a light which will control the illumination of the explosion, making it a lot more brighter, the other is controlling the falloff of the explosion making it a lot more crisp and making the contours more defined. We'll make the light first just so you can see how the falloff works later on.

Go to the create panel and create an omni light. Place it directly inside of the sphere so it's centered with the explosion.
First of all lets animate the multiplier of it so it starts out dull but quickly intensifies. Go to frame 11 and hit the 'Animate Button' and adjust the multiplier to 7.9. Go to frame 35 and adjust the multiplier to 3.619, so the explosion begins to dim just after the explosion starts.

Now if you render a frame for some reason it still looks the same. This is because we need to tell Afterburn to use this light to illuminate the fire. So go back into the environment panel and click on 'Pick Lights' and choose the omni light.
Now render a frame, it should look pretty cool but it should look quite washed out/yellow and renders slow.

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