Afterburn: Advanced Explosions Added on: Mon Jul 09 2001 |
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We're going to adjust the size of the fireballs so they start small but explode out into fairly large fireballs. Go down to the 'Particle Shape/Animation Parameters' and right click on the AFC box (with the squigly blue line in it) next to Sph. Radius and type in 10.0 for the low value and 50.0 for the high value.
Click on the AFC button which should bring up a graph window. Click somewhere in the middle of the diagonal graph line and drag it up close to the top but not all the way and move it a bit more to the right. This graph represents the growth of the fireballs size over it's life, by pulling it up it will make it grow bigger more quickly rather than uniformally.
The specific X/Y position of the middle point can be 11.0 for the X and 40.0 for the Y, if you want to be specfiic.

*note* Once you create a graph you can use the copy and paste commands located down the bottom right of the graph window to transfer your graph presets to other areas in the Afterburn menu, just incase you wanted to maek the size and the density
share the same graph so they fade away as they grow smaller and become more dense as they grow bigger ect.

Go down a bit more to Alignment and click on the 'Part. Velocity' button and type in 20.0 as the velocity value. The particle velocity feature is similar to particle mblur if you're familiar with max's particle systems, but rather than being a geometric modifier it stretches the volumetrics.
In a nut shell what it does is stretch the Afterburn shape in the same vector path as the specific particle is going based upon it's velocity. This is a very cool feature since our explosions would come out like round balls otherwise, now they stretch out showing it reaching out and stretching because of the force and speed of it.
