Creating Fire in 3DSMAX Added on: Mon Jul 09 2001 |
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This will make the electric pattern phase or animate from the start to the end of the animation. Now go up one level and drag the electric map into the last slot in the gradient and choose to instance it.
We're nearly done, if you render now the fires going to look rather dull. Lets create an omni light to illuminate the scene, position it wherever you feel is necessary, but now create another one, this one is primarily for illuminating the fire, so once you've created it, change the multiplier to 8 and click on the exclude button and change it to 'include' when the box pops up.
Put your particle system into the include section now so it will illuminate only the fire. Just remember if you make other fire particle systems now you'll have to go back and include them in the light list or else they won't illuminate.
Lastly you can do a few things, you can add a tiny bit of motion blur (about a value of .2 will do) and you can animate the lights multiplier so the light flickers and stuff like that if you want to give it a nicer touch. Plus if you want you can go into video post and add a glow filter to it to give it a soft glow around it.
If you do that just change the settings so the glow's size is 9 and the intensity is 7. And that should look pretty sweet.
Click on the images below to have a look at what mine turned out like. Also you can download the max file and the link to the plugin below as well.

And the video:

The 3DSMAX R4 scene from this example is available firescene.zip and the plugin Electric is