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Creating Fire in 3DSMAX
Added on: Mon Jul 09 2001
Page: 2 3 4 5 

Before we start you will need one plugin for this tutorial, it isn't a necessity but I've chosen to put it in just to save time making thin tendrils, it's a free plugin though from Blur Studios and you can download the plugin HERE.

For this tutorial I'm just going to use a sphere, although you can use any object you wish to light on fire (my recommendations are the teapot or dancing baby).

First of all go the create panel and click on sphere or whatever object you've chosen and drag it out into the viewport. Now hit the animate button and set a few key frames of the ball moving around in the viewport so we can see it moving around with fire on it later on. What you should have now is your object moving over around 100 frames.

Next we want to create the particle system for the fire, so go to the particle system area of the create panel and drag a parray particle system into the viewport, whilst the particles properties are still active, click on the pick object button and select your object (the sphere or whatever you chose).

If you play the animation it will shoot particles out in every direction, the emittence of fire isn't a force so we're not going to use speed, rather we're going to use wind to control it.

So lets create a wind spacewarp. First go to the spacewarp rollout menu under the create panel. Drag the wind spacewarp out into the view and position it above the object. Now click on the link button and link the wind to the object so it goes wherever the object goes. Now lets bind the wind to the particle system, so select the wind and click on the bind to spacewarp button and drag it onto the particle system.

Now go to the modify panel and select the wind spacewarp and make it spherical and give it a decay value of 0.01 and a strength value of -0.6. This way it will make the fire particle attract to it the same way gravity works. So the fire will want to raise up into the air.

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