Box Modeling the Basic Shape of a Car Added on: Mon Nov 26 2001 |
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Then just continue with this untill you got a mesh covering the hole car.

Now select the polygons so you can extrude them like in next pic.

Make the big shapes of the car (dont need to be exactly precise yet) like the next pic.
Then "mirror copy" and weld them, so you get a "full" car.
To weld the 2 parts, select the two middlerows of vertex and then scale them on x-axis, then you can "weld selected" at 0,1. You can then run a "STL-check" to see of you have any errors on the mesh, if you have errors you really need to fix them before you continue.

Then add a FFD(box) and set the number of controlers to something like on the next pic.
And then shape the car so it looks as much as the background pic as possible.
