Box Modeling the Basic Shape of a Car Added on: Mon Nov 26 2001 |
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Get a nice blueprint of the car you want to make, (www.suurland.com is a good site for blueprints) or a photo straight from the side (front or back also helps).
And it´s always nice to have some pics of the car from all kind of angles for reference.
Put it as a viewport background, (use "match bitmap" and "lock zoom/pan" if you use 3DSMAX).
Then it´s time to start modeling, start with a box in the middle of the door, then extrude the top and bottom faces like I did in the following pic. Try to think about how the shape of the car looks from the front/back so you make polygons where the shape demands it.

Then select all polygons facing back and extrude them. Remember that you needs edges in the mesh where there´s details on the car, look at the red arrows in the next pic.

Continue to extrude and remember to follow the details, but you dont need the solid edges to follow all details on the car. You can also do as I show with the arrows in the next pic. Because since a face always (in 3dsmax atleast) have 3 sides there´s a hidden edge crossing the polygon (you might have to turn it later on though).
