Modeling Vegetation Added on: Mon Jul 03 2000 |
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Surfacing is the last and final touch that you normally do to a model. It can take a object from plastic to realistic, and from coal to diamonds. This is no different with trees and flowers. With these models you should use bump maps and more.
When bump maps are applied to a textured object correctly it will appear as it the veins in a leaf are raised and so on. Adding specularity maps would also be a good idea. Specularity maps describe where to render highlights.

Figure.15 Mapped Model
Most of these maps are done in grayscale, where the lighter shades add the specularity or bump, and the dark shades are not affected. Different applications take different approaches as to how each map is implemented to the model, but inm ost programs there is the option.
Rhinoceros is a great modeler and has hundreds of tools in which can make you work your absolute best, and show it in your models! As with any application, this may take a bit of time. With this tutorial we took a look at only a few of the many tools available...