Making a Demonic Warrior's Head Added on: Tue Nov 21 2000 |
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Now that you have 8 interpolated splines we will now add 8 more splines that are similer to the previous ones. In Figure 2 you will see the new splines in a blue layer, and the previously drawn splines locked in a grey layer.
A wise idea would be to mirror or copy the similar splines over instead of drawing completely new ones. Once copied then you should edit their points (CV's) by using ShowCV. To copy use the Copy command, and likewise use the Mirror command to mirror.

Figure-2 8 New Interpolated Splines
With completing the drawing of the splines we can now loft them into a closed surface.
Select all of your splines and use the Loft command to access the tool.
This should bring up a dialog box with multiple settings. In Figure 3 you see the dialog box as well as the surface quick rendered as a preview.

Figure-3 Loft Dialog with Preview
Note: If the loft comes up looking twisted you will need to select each spline individually going either clockwise, or coutner clockwise, the choice is yours.
Modeling the Neck and Lower Face
As we move on we will now work on the lower face and neck. Both peices will be formed as one surface by lofting splines. This is modeled just about the same way that the helmet
was modeled.
In Figure 4 you can see there are 8 splines that are separated by color. The splines with the same color have been mirrored over, and therefore are the same splines.

Figure 4 Neck and Lower Head splines, separated by color