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Lesson 4 - Colour and Highlights
Added on: Sat Jan 06 2001
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Requirements for this lesson

You have to have Painter Classic or an other version of Painter to follow this lesson. You also need a Graphics Tablet. Preferably a Wacom Intuos with a standard pen. For general use of Painter we recomend a minimum resoultion of 1024*768 in True color, but a resoultion of 1280*1024 or 1600*1200 in True color is prefered.

Part 1: Tomato

I did a photo of three brilliant speciments sitting on a woodplate. As an extra touch I pour some water over them which allow some nice highlights for us to capture. The idea was that you download the full resolution photograph of the tomatoes and the full resolution sketch, but you can of course create your own sketch if you prefer so.

The reference photo features three tomatoes, but for this lesson I'm only going to paint the two in the forground.

The reference photograph, the sketch, and the finished painting

Block of midtones and shadow

First step is to fill the sketch with some main colors. Instead of giving you the colors in RGB numbers, I have created a 'palette' with the main colors I have used. Save this image to your computer too and have it open in Painter Classic beside with the sketch. Use the color picker tool to pick up colors from the 'palette'. An explanation on how to use the color picker is to be found in Lesson 1 (or you could look in the manual).

We got some really fresh colors in this palette. Have you ever heard the term 'tomato red'? The most red part of these tomatoes are incredibly saturated! The tomato material is, like human skin, translucent and it makes them almost glowing in a strong lightning situation like we have in the reference photograph. I don't know if you noticed, but the tomatoes in the reference photo appears more pink than you usually expect tomatoes to be. Its probably because of the strong lightning and my digital camera is certainly not the best around...

The 'palette' with the main colors used in the painting.

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