An Industry Lesson Added on: Sat Dec 14 2002 |
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Making Dust...the first rock hits the surface at frame 16, so lets go to frame 15 so we can tell the particles to emit a frame earlier. Whilst in the modify panel change the percentage of particles to 100% so we can see all of the particles in that system. Or if you want to do it via the script window (this may seem slower but down the line I'll show you how scripting can be very useful even if it's just for command line modifications). Go to the script listener and type (whilst having the particle system selected) $.viewpercent = 100 .This does exactly the same thing as typing a value of 100 into the modify panel. Although when dealing with more particle systems, having this kind of thing around is a very useful tool!

We now want the particles to emit from frame 15 so go to Emit Start under the particle generation tab and change the value to 15 and change the Emit Stop value to 18 so it stops emitting after frame 33. Change the life value to 20. All of these commands can be changed via the script listener, by typing lets say $.life = 20 if you wanted. Note: You can see what all of the values mean in script lingo by going to the max script menu and turning the macro recorder on so it displays whatever you're doing int he script listener window whenever you do it which is a great way to learn new commands. Lastly go up a bit to the speed section and type a value of 1.5 in and 50.0 for the variation and 50.0 for the degrees This will roughen up the angle and speed velocity a little, the rest we'll do through spacewarps later on.

Adjust the size to 4.0 and the grow for value to 5 and fade to 1. This way the particle size is fairly big, but it takes 5 frames to grow up to that size from the time it emits, and one frame before it dies it begins to shrink a little.
Lastly we want to change the type of particle system to facing, since this particle system is going to be dust so go down to Particle Type and choosing Facing from there. Now we're going to add a wind spacewarp to push the particles up into the air.
So go to the spacewarps section of the create panel and drag a wind spacewarp out into the top viewport. Position it directly in the center of the particle systems emitting grid that we made earlierm but make it slightly below the ground plane so it pushes the particles upward.
Go to the modify panel and make the wind spacewarp a spherical type, an adjust the strength value to .2 and the decay value to 0.1. The strength has to be suttle since we're not trying to blow the dust up extremely high. The decay value makes the effectiveness value of the wind a lot smaller, you can click the checkbox for range indicators if you want to be able to make the decay value viisble, which will allow you to work out where you want it to effect ect. in future. Now assign the spacewarp to the particle system and play the animation, it probably emits way too fast, and continues to emit.