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An Industry Lesson
Added on: Sat Dec 14 2002
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First of all click on the particle system and choose the next rock shape as the new emitter. Look at the animation keys to see when it falls and hits the ground, the impact is at frame 30 so set the emitting start frame to 29 and the end to 35.

Next up the particles are still bound to the old spacewarps, the drag is cool but the new wind needs to be bound to the particles so it blows in the right position. So in the modify panel select the wind spacewarp and click on the bind icon and then select the new wind spacewarp and bind it to the particles.

That's pretty much it! Do it to the others now. Keep in mind if the falling geometry were different shapes then you would need to create more splines and tessellate them oposed to dupe them. So do this to the rest of the blocks.

Now it should look like below, with all of the particles working.

height="173">We want to make some rocks jump out when the big rocks hit the ground, so we're going to make another particle system for this.

First of all we'll just clone the previous particle system since that will save us time, and just adjust a few settings here and there. So select the first particel system you made, and hold down shift and move it slightly away, if you want you can name it 'rocks' (I seem always to forget to name all of my objects, which down the line can really clutter up and confuse your scene, so this is something that you should learn not to do). Go to the modify panel and remove all of the spacewarps from the stack by selecting them and clicking on the bin icon below them.

Duplicate your wind spacewarp you were using and move it slightly more below the first wind spacewarp, we're going to use this wind just like the other one to push the particles up, and then we're going to use another one to give the rocks gravity. Give the wind's strength a value of 0.441 and make sure the decay value is 0.1.

Remove the turbulence values from the wind spacewarp since we don't want it to act like the smoke does. Now assign this spacewarp to the particle system and clone it again and move this one up higher, change it's type from spherical to planar and adjust it's strength to .2 and the decay value to 0.01. Bind it to the particle system. This one will work as gravity, so you can name it gravity if you want.

Now assign a grey colour to your particle system, since we don't want it to look like the brown dust. Later on we'll make a material for this.

Open the modify panel and get ready to adjust some of the particle system's settings. First of all adjust the emitting time, the start time's fine, but we only want the particles to emit for a few frames so tell the emitting stop time to be 17. We also want the particles to last a bit longer, so lets make the life equal 40.

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