An Industry Lesson Added on: Sat Dec 14 2002 |
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Go down to particle type and change it to cube oposed to facing, and then click on the mesh checkbox under viewport display. This way we can see what the particles look like mesh wise. So now if you play the animation you'll notice the rocks are way too big, so lets adjust the size to 1.0 and the grow for time to 1.
Now we'll want to lessen the amount of rocks since there's way too many, so adjust the total amount to 25 under the use total box. Lastly we want the rocks to rotate a bit to make them a bit more realistic, so scroll down to rotation and collision and adjust the spin time to 30, this gives it a good average spin rate to tumble from when they emit.
Okay, now we want the particles to bounce when they hit the ground surface since right now they fall right through the ground. So go back to the create panel and go to spacewarps, under deflectors click on udeflector and drag one out into the top viewport, click on pick object and select the floor plane.
Adjust the bounce value to .56 so it doesn't bounce too much and variation to 25 and chaos to 10 so it gives it a bit of randomness. Bind this spacewarp to the particle system, now when you play this animation you'll see the rocks are colliding with the surface.

Cool now just as before, select the particle system and the two new wind spacewarps and clone them all and move them over to the next particle system, remove all of the spacewarps except for the udeflector and bind the new spacewarps to it, offset the animation like before, telling it to emit the same time as the particles that you're setting it up for do, as well as telling the emitting to stop two frames after it starts. Once that's all set up we can move on...
Before we move on selecting all of your emitting planes and right click on them and go to properties and turn off renderable. We don't want the shapes to come up in our render since we're just using them as our emitter.
