IK Leg Tutorial Added on: Sat Jan 18 2003 |
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Edit the 4 hilighted bank handles by clicking and dragging inside the small circles. Drag them in the 4 views until you get them all lined up on the Z axis as shown. Make sure you try a different viewport if they wont move.

Another view showing the bank handles. Having them all lined up on the Z axis will ensure your pitch angles are set properly in Layout.
NOTE: I use auto key set to on and all modified channels. If you like to work with auto key off you may need additional steps to key the rig control nulls in place.
I use the schematic view a lot in setting up my rigs. It is a very good visual tool for organizing your work. Keep in mind that the multi select shortcut in the schematic is SHIFT only. Control is used to parent objects to eachother. If you make a mistake with this it is most likely not undoable and you will need to reload from a saved scene. Save your work often!

Save your object. Load it into Layout. I named my object rfoot for Reverse foot. It dosent matter what your object is named.

With your object selected activate Cvt Skelegons to create layout bones from the skelegon template.