IK Leg Tutorial Added on: Sat Jan 18 2003 |
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Parent L_AnkleN to L_ToeC. Parent L_ToeC to L_FootC. Parent L_KneeC to L_FootC. Parent your object to Hips. This completes the hierarchy for the reverse foot setup.

Select L_HipB. Open the motion options panel. Do not edit the values on the IK tab. Change bank controller to IK on the controller tab. Leave the motion options panel open for the next steps.

Select L_ThighB. Do not edit the values on the IK tab of the motion options panel. Change pitch and bank controllers to IK on the controllers tab.

Select L_ShinB. Change the pitch controller to IK on the controllers tab.

Switch to the IK tab. Set the goal object to L_KneeC. Check the full time IK box. And make sure the Goal strength is set to 1.0. This may move the bone. Don't worry as the next steps will realign it. Do not try realigning it yourself.