IK Leg Tutorial Added on: Sat Jan 18 2003 |
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Select L_ToeBuffer, L_AnkleN and L_AnkleBuffer. Use the Scene Editor to hide them and make them unselectable. They are not used to control the rig.
The rig is controlled by Moving and rotating Hips, moving and rotating L_FootC, Rotating L_ToeC, and Moving L_KneeC. Try rotating the pitch of L_FootC and L_ToeC one at a time and see the effect.
This rig will require a minimum of 3 keys per step. 1st key with L_ToeC pitch at 0 and L_FootC pitch rotated as a heel pivot. 2nd Key with L_ToeC and L_FootC pitch at 0 to make a flat foor for crossover. And a 3rd key with L_FootC at 0 and L_ToeC rotated as a toe pivot for extend.
NOTES: If you build a second leg make sure the nulls are in line with that leg.
There only needs to be one Hips null in a 2 legged rig, it should be centered for the characters center of gravity. If you dislike the effect when rotating L_ToeC you can unparent L_AnkleN from it, move it and reparent L_AnkleN to it to edit the pivot location