IK Leg Tutorial Added on: Sat Jan 18 2003 |
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Notice that the bones are already gimbal locked (the pitch has been rotated and we have lost the use of the bank angle). I hilighted the worst two bones but the problem exists for all of them except the root bone (L_hipB). Since we never edited the direction of L_HipB in modeler its pitch is correct in layout.

Select each bone, one at a time and Activate Rec Pivot Rot on each. It will have no effect on the root bone. It will take the edited bank handle information from modeler and use it to correct the pitch in layout. Now all your bone alignments should be zeroed out. I selected the same 2 bones as I did in 09 to show you the alignment after Rec Pivot Rot.

Add 7 nulls

Rename the nulls using the same names I did. L_AnkleBuffer, L_ToeBuffer, L_AnkleN, L_ToeC, L_FootC, L_KneeC, and Hips.
Lets take a quick break here and I'll explain why we need 7 nulls to control one foot. You traditionally only need a single null as goal object. We are using L_AnkleBuffer as that goal object. It's called buffer because its other function is to hold the rest orientation of L_FootB. Through creative use of Parent in place we will set L_AnkleBuffer to match the orientation of L_FootB and if they are the same L_FootB wont pop when we turn on IK as it is already oriented in place.