Faking SSS with Mental Ray Added on: Sun Nov 23 2003 |
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3. Extrude all the faces a bit, by simply selecting the Extrude button in the Modify panel, and drag. Repeat the procedure again, and end with a Bevel, so you get something like below:

4. Add a Meshsmooth Modifier on to the model, and set Iteration to 1, and under Render values, set Iteration to 2, for 1 subdivision in the viewport, and 2 subdivisions in the render:

And that was it for the modelling, now for some scene setup, we start with the light...
We�re going to use a standard directional light, with very few settings, only some MR settings.
1. Under the Create panel, select Lights, and Target Direct. In the front viewport, drag from where the light should be to where it should point, so it looks something like this:

2. Under the Modify panel go to the Directional Parameters rollout, and turn up the Hotspot/Beam parameter, till the cone covers the entire test-object(We do this instead of using Overshoot, which just lights beyond the cone, because Mental Ray doesn�t support it). Then under the mental ray Indirect Illumination rollout and mark the Use Global Settings checkbox (The standard settings will do just well):
