Faking SSS with Mental Ray Added on: Sun Nov 23 2003 |
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3. Now we have a transparent material, and just need the �smoke� in it. For this we use Volume shaders, for the color and density, and Photon Volume shaders, for the light. We use the Parti Volume Shader, and Parti Volume Photon Shader. They�re for tracing photons through a participating media (according to the manual that comes with max).
Under the Mental ray Connection rollout assign the Parti Volume shader to Photon Volume, under Caustics and GI, and Volume, under Extended Shaders.

4. First we adjust the Photon Volume Shader. Under the shaders properties, set the following values:
- Scatter color: 0,2 (Notice that all colors are defined as something between 1 and 0 instead when adjusting for this setting, just change the Value to 0,2)
- Extinction: 1,5
- Minimum Step Length: 0,02
- Maximum Step Length: 0,2
And that�s it!
5. Do the same to the Volume Shader, but with these differences:
Scatter color: VERY red
Extinction: 0,5
Here�s a pic for the Parti Photon Volume shader only, remember the differences:
