Part 4: Modelling the head (continued) Alright...maybe we should make the eye now? Yes, now is the moment. Start from a tube-end and tweak the edges or extrude edges from a poly to create the two eyelids. Now, there is no hole between the skin and eyeball, is there? No. The eyeball should be a ball, so its round-> and so is the skin around it. So tweak it like that in 3d. Also remember the upper eyelid is more forward than the lower!: 
Select the inner edges, and extrude inwards once, just a little so that theres a sharp corner, and then twice a long way to the head so that the eyeball stays covered: 
Create a sphere and fit it to the hole. If it doesnt fit, you need to tweak the face mesh. Next, select the outer edges and extrude outwards a couple of times, and create detail with more edges if needed. 