"The Rescue" Added on: Mon May 22 2000 |
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Hello there! Thanks to all of you who voted for my picture, I did not think I would win...
Anyway, I'm going to explain here a little bit how I did that picture...
I bet you all are waiting for the part where I tell how I made the water, right?
But hold your horses, first things first!
Ok, now I wanted to make my picture a combination of real thing and cartooning, so I tried to model the whole scene somehow alike the real world. That way I got a boiling pan from the kitchen and I scanned it in as a reference material.

Then I went to 3dsmax and inserted the scan I just made into my front viewport and made a line on top of the borders. I just lathed it with some segments, 32 should do the trick and collapsed to a mesh.

I put a meshsmooth modifier with render iteration set to 1 and an optimize modifier to speed up my scene (no optimization on render of course). The first pan was complete.
Using the simple task of lathing and optimizing I made the pan cover.
