"The Rescue" Added on: Mon May 22 2000 |
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For the side parts of the pan I simply made a box and modeled it a bit to get the shape I wanted, then assigned a meshsmooth with render iterations set to 2.

The next thing to model was the oven. I made a plane with 4 segments for both X and Y and assigned an edit mesh modifier and modified it a bit with face extrudes and bevels to get the perfect shape. Again applied the meshsmooth with 2 render iterations.

For the oven grid I made every piece with little boxes and I attached them into one single mesh with (who would guess?)...meshsmooth modifier... The result was pretty much the real thing. Of course I edited the shape a bit, but it was just moving lower front vertices, nothing much.

After having those pieces I went on creating the dangerous and hotter part of the oven. It was just 2 small cylinders with a non-uniformed scaled sphere on top to give a nice smooth look. The holes where the the flames come through were made with textures.

When all parts were made they were just missing one small thing. The water! I cloned the pan, without the cover and then created a cylinder with the aproximate radius of the pan, but with a very little height, almost a plane with 10 cap segments and 18 sides.