Low Poly Modeling for Real Time Added on: Mon Oct 16 2000 |
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Learning your tools is vital to modeling, if you do not know what your tools are capable of you're likely not to be able to get the job done as well as you could. Some techniques can speed up time 100% when it comes to refining and shaping your model. Most of your tools are found within the edit mesh modifier.
Edit mesh is one of the most powerful modeling modifiers you will probably come across to date, essentially edit mesh is an essential modifier which manipulates the form and apearence of a polygon object. It has five sub levels within it, each doing it's own specific thing.
Vertex, edge, face, polygon and element levels. Vertex controls the vertex level, allowing you to manipulate the points on a polygonal object. Face is face level, which lets you control and manipulate the triangular faces in the object. Polygon is the same but modifies polygons so it is not limited to just triangle faces. Element allows you to select and modify a chunk of faces connected together.
Polygons welded together or connected in anyway will be selected, but ones that are not welded or connected togeather will be left unselected since they are a seperate "element". Within each of these menu's is a large content of small tools which do individual procedures to your model. Here, I am going to cover mainly the face, vertice and edge menu's. The others are important but for real time modeling they are not really needed.
Now back to our model. So far we have a box with no faces or vertices since they were all deleted. What we are going to do now is plot vertices around the background image in the front and side viewpoints, and build the polygons up.
If you look at the front and side images it shows the proportions of a male, we are going to use this for reference to build our character, having a background image of our character we want to model in side and front profiles helps use model the character more accurately. This means we can get the job done faster and also keep to the actual look and style that we wanted.
Open edit mesh and go to vertex level .Click on the create button and in the front viewpoint click on the bottom left of the leg, and then the right bottom leg. Then click on the middle of the leg, and then inbetween the left and leg vertices. Do the same for centre of the shin, and then below the knee.

We are creating all the vertices for the leg right now, next we are going to build the faces.Go to face level and click on create click on the first vertex and then the one to the right, and then the one above it. Like below: Continue to do this.
The process is quite simple, first you are clicking on face level, then create. Then you click on the first vertex and in an anti clockwise motion you click on two other vertices. By connecting 3 points togeather it creates a face, or a polygon. This is how we create the faces for our object, remember to create them anti-clockwise.
