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Making of Audi TT
Added on: Sun Oct 29 2000
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Don't worry there a still two halfs; the original and the Instance mirror, I have not joined them together as yet. Notice that the front is too pointed and needs some pulling in a bit and the handles flattened from the top view.

I am leaving you to pull off the piece under the bumper. Here are a couple of helper pics, you can freestyle and patch it anyway you want and as elaborate as you want. It is NOT joined to the main body, it is freestanding so that makes it easier than you trying to patch it from the bumper down and yet have the stag horn shape.

Remember, Subdivide and add quad are all you need. They rest is playing with handles from different viewports.

Save as seperate file audittarch05.max

Just in case you are wondering about the panels/patch thickness, that will be done later by selecting and extruding the patch faces, you get chunky panels that are then meshsmoothed to give the final look but patience...that happens when you total happy with your body...the car body.

For now, enter the tweaking zone. Spend a while tweaking the model, push and pull vertices till they follow the blueprint reasonably closly in terms on layout. Try to avoid moving bits one by one, move sections.

I shall leave you to do that till you are satisfied!

File: (40.6kb Max) View through camera viewport will show model on left as simple patches. Model on right with patch faces extruded and meshsmooth applied. Enjoy scrutinizing those 2 and see if you can make your own way through the patching maze.

I will stop here for now, till a later date when I can continue! To keep you busy Copy and rotate your front and try to make the back end of the car with it by moving vertex points.

I hope this has been helpful to you.
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