Making of Audi TT Added on: Sun Oct 29 2000 |
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3. Always scrutinize and eliminate "over patching" the left side has too many patches and will not create a very smooth surface whilst the right side will.

4. Use the ctrl button to select more than 1 vertex; if you drag select make sure you have not caught an unwanted vertex in your selection by reading the selection rollout.
5. Remember the Min/Max toggle button, is very useful.
6. Sometimes you want to move a vertex, you select it and try to move but it keeps de-selecting. Look along the bottom for the button that looks like this to lock selection set, making sure you cannot select any thing else or lose your selection prematurely.
7. Use a camera with your file, use the user/perspective viewports when checking the model or welding vertices but a camera (35mm) gives you a better view.
(create panel>cameras>Target>drag toward object>press 35mm>select a viewport and press C to change to camera mode.)

Camera looks good

User/Perspective viewport looks strange