Making of Audi TT Added on: Sun Oct 29 2000 |
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8. Restricting movements to X Y Z comes in useful too, if you only want to move a handle in one direction use these buttons. Don't put your trust in a steady hand!
You are now armed with valuable patching knowledge...now where were we again? Ah an Audi TT!! Rock on!
Get rid of the gridsnap thing if its annoying you! It annoys the heck out of me so I never touch the dang thing! Yep I'm nuts! Go back to editing the patch select Sub object> Patch and delete the patch shown in red.

Sub object> Edge and select the edge shown in red.

Look in the Edit patch>Geometry rollout and click the Subdivide button, what this does is split the line and puts a vertex point near the middle. The propagate box next to it should be ticked (easier), only by testing will you understand what happens when the box is ticked or unticked and the probs it can cause when unticked so explore that in you own time.
After subdividing got to Sub object> Vertex, you will notice a new vertex dividing the line. Go to edge mode and select the edge below the new vertex and subdivide again. Select edge mode and click the add quad patch button in Geometry rollout.
Neaten the new quad patch till you have something like this.....
