Making of Audi TT Added on: Sun Oct 29 2000 |
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Create another Quad Patch like we did in step one: (front viewport)

Front Viewport
Edit the vertices of the new patch so they look like this (front viewport).

Front Viewport
To check if you have done it right, look if the two patches fit together. This is important, because we will attach and weld the 2 patches later on
Copy the two patches and mirror the copy along it's X-Axis. Fit the two pieces together.
They should presicely fit (0,1 gridpoints is the max-difference you can have), so it might come in handy to turn 'vertex' on in the snap menu. Your creation should look like this now: (front viewport)

I also made a little strip at the front of the other patches, because I thought it would look better. The strip looks like this, and looks flat in the right viewport:

Front Viewport