Creating Animated Grass Added on: Mon Mar 18 2002 |
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Collapse the stack so we get an Editable Mesh and add scatter to it. Now we also need a distribution object for where we want the grass to "grow".
Create a plane from the top or perspective view. Give it some more sub-divisions like 20 by 20. Add a basic brown-green coloured material to it.

For making it a little bit more organic add a noise modifier to the plane. The value depends on the size of your plane, so just tweak them until they look right.

Select the grass shaft and apply the Scatter modifier. Now select the generated plane to be the distribution object for the grass. Set "Duplicates" to 100.
You maybe need to adjust the scale as well depending on the size of your plane/grass. Uncheck "Perpendicular" and set the distribute type to "Area".

Change the rotation to X: "10" Y: "784" Z: "10". Y is the shafts Z axis so keep that value quite high and irregular to have more natural results.
Change Scaling to 10x10x10 and set "Lock Aspect Ratio".