Creating Animated Grass Added on: Mon Mar 18 2002 |
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Under display options set Display to 5%, this will hide 95% of your grass in the viewport, so you'll have faster feedback. Check "Hide Distribution Object". Scroll up and set "Duplicates" to 5000.

Next step: animating. Add a "Volume Select" to your grass object and set it to "Vertex", go into sub-object mode and move the gizmo up so it only selects the top vertices of the grass. Turn on "Use Soft Selection" and change the Falloff so that all but the bottom vertices get selected.

Add a "Wave" modifier to it and set it to "Amplitude 1&2": 5.0, "Wave Length": 35.0 and animate the "Phase" by setting a key at frame 100, value 3 or 4.
Also go into sub-object mode and rotate the gizmo by 90 degrees to have the gizmo's deformed side in the Z direction. Again these values depend on the size of your object.

Make a copy of the wave modifier and add it on top again. Change the values like this for example; "Amplitude 1&2": 3.0, "Wave Length": 50.0 set the "Phase" value lower like 2.0 or 1.0 This will give a secondary animation to it and will vary the result a little.