Creating Animated Grass Added on: Mon Mar 18 2002 |
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To add some more random movement to it introduce a noise modifier as well and set it to: Check "Fractal" set Strength X: 6.0 Y: 4.0 Z: 6.0 and check "Animate Noise".

That's it actually, now all you need to do is tweak the settings to get the result you want. Keep in mind that all the values are scale dependant.
Tip: for surfaces with grass that are not planar you need to use an object for the volume select, then make a copy of your surface, collapse it add a high optimize/polygon-reduction to it and use solidify to give it volume, use this new mesh the same way you used the original box gizmo to select the upper vertices.
Another thing that is important is that scatter can only make a maximum number of 65000 duplicates, so if you need more simply make a copy of your grass object and change the seed value.
