Now just move around some vertices until the nose has a nice shape. Finally almost done just smooth-shift the lower polys inwards to get the nostrils I had to spin around some of the lower polygons again as I described before and the final result is not so bad:
Lets see how we can fix the whole head agian by moving some polys and vertices around till it looks more human like so: 
After a bit tweaking we have our result. The only new polygons which where created are the ones used for the neck. I smooth-shifted them out twice. Now you can see the chin, and the mouth shape. Nose looks also okay for now and even the eyes.
What remains is the detail modeling, if you like a human then try to shape the head by selecting those vertices that are already there and if you like to model more detail in, to give the head more character, then I will show you how to do it. Just for info the head so far has 404 polys, all quad.