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"My Little Ocean"
Added on: Tue Mar 26 2002
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Bubbles and other improvements

I put some spheres randomly as bubbles floating on the surface. But I placed some of them at the ends too and grouped them up.
At that time I saw my bottle of water beside my working table and the water inside had a thick surface. It gave me an idea to make my scene more realistic.
I created a 'TORUS' and placed it at the ends of the water surface. Then I copied the group of bubbles and used them to Boolean the 'TORUS'. Assigning some normal materials to the objects for experiment I got a good result.


Then I need to put a design in the stand. I cloned the stand which holds the tank. Then I created two boxes one at the top and another at the bottom.
I used them to Boolean the holder. Therefore only a small part remained. I resized it a little bit, so that it becomes a little bit bigger than the original holder. So the small part can be seen easily. I assigned a self-illuminated material to the 'design' to differentiate it with the main model.
Then I created a circle and changed it shape to fit it on the top of the stand.


I started to create the pipe next, which will drain water from the tank. I first made a line, which coils around the stand. I changed the setting of the line to 'renderable' and changed it thickness for good results. And at one end of the line I placed the socket.
There I used some toruses, cones, cylinders and a screw type object.

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