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"My Little Ocean"
Added on: Tue Mar 26 2002
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Glass and the Water

Now time for the hard part because I had to create the glass and water material. Obviously I used ray-tracing material for this scene. First I changed the transparency and changed the 'index of refr'. That gives a better look to the material. Then I changed the specular level and glossiness value to make it look like a glass. But I still needed to add a falloff for the reflection.

My falloff type was 'Fresnel' and the direction was set from the viewing point.

For the water everything was the same but I disabled its refraction ability. I did change some of the parameters such as transparency, 'index of refr' etc.

I noticed that if a light is projected through the bottom of a glass its surface becomes illuminated than all other parts of the water. That's why I added a little bit luminosity and decreased the transparency of the surface.


I made the fish textures using PSP. Now let me explain how I did that. I captured a snap shot from the left side of the fish mesh. It was using a full white illuminated material and its background was black. So I did all my paintings on that snap shot. It was in gray scale.
I created two textures one for the opacity another for the defused map. After I created them it became very much easier to me to map the textures on the fish using UVW Unwrap. Unlike before I reduced the defuse amount and change its color to make the fish blue. The opacity map helped me to make the fish more realistic.

Effects and further add-ons

I tested everything in my scene with no antialising to make things faster. But finally enabled the fast antialising option for the retraced materials to increase the detail. I used some glow effects in the scene to brighten things up. It makes the scene more alive.

I also added a focusing effect in where the curtains blurred out making the scene artistic. But as the contest time expanded I thought of adding a small controlling system. I decided to place it under the marble stand.

To create this I first created a line, which was kind of a rectangle shape. Then I beveled it and made it thicker. I used some spheres to cut holes on the object.
I also made a switch hole and placed a switch inside it. I inserted a small capsule inside it. Then I created some texts and placed a red light on the upper part of the beveled object. I created the rest of the parts using Boolean. Then I placed two lines one from the top and another from the bottom as electric wires.

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