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"My Little Ocean"
Added on: Tue Mar 26 2002
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Effects and further add-ons (cont.)

I used the shiny steel material as the body of the controller and assigned a light texture to the capsule placed inside the switch in which another material with less opacity was used. I changed its defuse amount and defused color to get a bluish effect.

I decided to give an omni light over the switch. Its attenuation parameter was used to cast its light in a low range. I used it to cast a lense flare over the controller. But I couldn't apply a glow effect to the capsule inside because the switch itself covered it even if it was transparent.

I created the fish in a different scene. Therefore I merged it into the original file. Then I placed it inside the water a little bit tilted to the right. After that I cloned it and put it in a different location. To keep the fish in a curvature posture I used a wave space warp and blinded it with them. I cloned the fish and that made two of them.

Final Rendering

The scene was rendered using antialising. Its filter was used as black man for a sharp output.
The whole image resolution was set as 800 X 600 with image aspect of 1.333. The final result is shown below. But I added my name to the image after I rendered
the scene. So the text is not available in the wire frame snapshot.

If you have any questions in mind please don't hesitate. Your comments are most welcome.

The final image is shown below as a wireframe and full rendered.

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