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"My Little Ocean"
Added on: Tue Mar 26 2002
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Textures and Materials


In the material section I made the material of the stand first. I chose a marble like texture, which was really bright. So I used Paint Shop Pro to negative the texture so that it looks like black marble image and I placed it as a defuse map. Fortunate for me that the texture was created in such a way that it can be tiled. So I increased the texture's tile value.

I used anisotropic material for this marble and I brought a bluish effect to it by lowering the defuse amount and changing its defuse color. So with a mixture of the two, the material was created. I changed some values to give it a more solid and shiny look.
I used the same texture in the specular color, defuse level, and in the orientation map.


I sketched a design on a paper. I scanned the sketch and I converted it into negative image increasing its contrast. I used the same texture as the defuse map and also as the bump map. I tiled it in horizontal axis and mapped it on the small part of the stand.


Then I created another anisotropic material, which looks like a shiny steel. It was made for the snake and the border of the stand. I assigned a normal material with thin wall refraction with a very low transparency and it looked quite nice according to my lights setting.


After that I created a texture in the PSP for a bump map shown below. Then I used it in the solid steel material and tiled it in horizontal axis. Then I assigned the material to the pipe, which drains the water out from the tank. I also assigned a black rubber material to the socket and ultimately the pipe
was done.


Then I took a texture from the fabric. I used it as a defuse color and a bump map. I lowered the defuse amount and changed the defuse color like the way I did in the marble. I do this to save time. I do not have to color the texture if I use this technique.

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