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"My Little Ocean"
Added on: Tue Mar 26 2002
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Next I created the snake bit. I created a curvature line behind the bowl that had a snake like posture. Then I created a cross selection shape, which I used to loft the first line. In this way I got the figure of the snake body. The head was created separately.

To create the head I took a sphere. I increased its segments. Then I converted it into editable mesh. I did the rest of the shaping with soft selection.
I tried to come to a snake like figure. But at the end I connected some smoothed spheres to give it a more realistic look.
The nose holes were created using Boolean with two other sphere objects. Then I mesh smoothed it again and increased its irritation.
But that's really a bad process because it really slowed my interface. Then I put the head back together with its body and the snake was done.

Pouring Water

Afterwards I created the water coming out of the snake faucet. I made a line, which was lathed to get the figure right. I selected some vertexes from the bottom half of the shape and assigned a noise to give it a more realistic look.


In order to create the background I tried to put my fish tank in a nice room. So I tried harder to make the room as the background.
But in the rules I figured out they didn't asked me to concentrate on the environment. And moreover I was running out of time. So I thought that, I would put a curtain behind the fish tank as a background.

So I made a line, which looked like a wave. I cloned the line and changed it to a straight one. Then I used NURBS 'ruled surface' tool to make the curtain.
After the surface was created I used to change some points of the line to make a random state of the curtains waves so that it looks realistic.

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