Lesson 2 - Sketching Session Added on: Fri Sep 01 2000 |
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Preparation (cont.)
Before we do anything else, let's have a closer look at the apple. A pretty normal apple. It is round with a few bulges.
If we only look at the shape or form we'll see that the apple has two main features:- The outline. The outline is a circle, almost. It has some bulges and it is more flat on the top and buttom.
- The pit/crease at the top with the branch growing out
Arrange your workspace in Painter Classic so that you can see both the New Image we created and the apple image.
You also need to have the Tools, Art materials, Brush and the Control-palette open.
This is where your big monitor and high resolution come handy. If you don't have space for it all you can Zoom out to 50 % of the New Image we created.
[Tip] The Art Materials palette can be minimized by clicking on the color gradient icon in order to save screen space.

Painter Classic workspace with the four main palettes, the apple photo and our New Image.
We'll start with the outline of the apple. To make it easier to draw we'll split it up into smaller parts.
First we'll find the 'extreme' points of the shape. By extreme points I mean the top, right, bottom and left extents of the outline. Because it's such an even circle like shape, we only need four 'extreme' points.
Extreme points are simply marked with a simple red brush. One mark at the highest point of the apple.
One at the point furthest to the right. The third at the lowest point of the bottom.
And last, one at the point most far to the left.

Four 'extreme' points.
Now the outline is split-up in 4 curves between four points. The curves don't look too hard to draw now. Draw extreme points on your apple image in Painter Classic. Use brush catergory Pens and variant Pen and Ink. In the Control palette set the size to 2.2. Use any color that is easy to see.