Lesson 2 - Sketching Session Added on: Fri Sep 01 2000 |
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Sketching (cont.)
This technique with marking extreme points on the outline might seem weird. However, this is how I work and it is not sure this way works for you. The entire idea behind marking extreme points is to have the outline split into smaller parts. It is easier to draw the apple's outline when you can concentrate on a small part at a time
Zoom out one time (50%) on our New Image. This is done with the zoom tool. To Zoom in click anywhere in the image. To zoom out hold left ALT down and click anywhere in the image.

The zoom tool (magnifierglass icon) is located in the top left of the Tools palette.
Your current zoom level shows on the titlebar of a image. Zoom out till it says 50 %.

Image: Image titlebar shows that the current zoom level is 50 %
Now at zoom level 50% you should be able to see all of our New Image. If not, continue to zoom out. With all of New Image visible draw the four extreme points of the apple in our New Image.

Four red points in New Image (to the left).
Try to draw the point at the same distance they have in the apple image. You have to use your eyes when doing this. Don't worry about it not getting perfect, this is art not science.
Now its time to draw the actual lines of the sketch. Zoom in to 100% on New Image. Select the Pencils brush category and the 2b Pencil variant. Select black as color and use this settings in the Control palette:

Use this settings for the 2b Pencil.