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Lesson 2 - Sketching Session
Added on: Fri Sep 01 2000
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Sketching (cont.)

The branch itself is quite easy, just take a good look at the photo first. I started with the top of the branch. As you can see in the photo, the branch bends to the right and ends just before it crosses the outline. We will also draw the shadow the branch grows out of.

Sketch with outline, branch and shadow

With the main parts of the apple sketched, we only need to clean up the pencil lines and add some small details.
Start with cleaning up the pencil lines. If you draw like me, your pencil lines probably look a bit 'hairy'. Quick and easy way to fix this is with a Pen by simply drawing with the background color on top of our pencil lines. This way we actually use the pen as an eraser.

First we need to select the same color we used as background color in New Image. Use the Dropper tool from the Tools palette, and click on the gray color in New Image. Notice that your current color is replaced with the gray color you just clicked on. That's what the Dropper tool does, it let's you pick color from a image.

With the Dropper tool still selected, click and hold anywhere in the apple photo image. Keep pressing left mouse button down and move the Dropper tool around. Notice how the current color in the Art Materials palette changes to match the area you click on in the apple image.

When you feel comfortable using the Dropper tool select the gray color in New image again. Select the brush tool from the Tools palette, and Pens and Flat Color variant from the Brushes palette. Set the pen size to 10 and opacity to 100 %.

Now, draw carefully around your pencil lines with the pen. Note as you draw with the Flat Color pen that it completly replaces the underlying color no matter how hard you press the pen on the tablet. Use the Flat Color pen till your pencil strokes looks clean and even. Depending on how accurate you used the pencil when sketching you might not need to do much with the Flat Color pen. Also remove those red extreme point marks, as we don't need them anymore.

The 'clean' apple sketch

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