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Lesson 2 - Sketching Session
Added on: Fri Sep 01 2000
Page: 2 3 4 5 6 7 

Requirements for this lesson

You have to have Painter Classic or an other version of Painter to follow this lesson. You also need a Graphics Tablet. Preferably a Wacom Intuos with a standard pen.
For general use of Painter we recomend a minimum resoultion of 1024*768 in True color,
but a resoultion of 1280*1024 or 1600*1200 in True color is prefered.


This lesson will try to explain sketching in Painter Classic. Sketching may sound like boring stuff, and it is for some :). Still, you can't start painting without a sketch so this part can't be skipped.
Sketching is a bit special, a sketch is not supposed to look good, and sketching does not require much technical skills. Sketching is all about using your eyes to observe and then transform what you see through your hand down at the paper. This is a very important skill, and impossible to learn without alot of practice.

Practice is just what this lesson is for. In this tutorial we'll use an apple as a motive and try to draw its sketch.

The apple is a shape most people are familiar with.


Start Painter Classic (or Painter if you have it). Create a new document from File->New. In the New Picture window use these settings:

The New Picture window

Width: 1200 Height: 1200, Paper color RGB:164,164,164

The image you just created will be refered to as New Image in this lesson.

[Tip] 1200*1200 pixels might seem to be alot for this simple sketch. However get used to drawing at high resolutions. Its so much easier to use tools like the airbrush when
you have alot of space. If you paint ,say a human for exsample, in 1000 * 1000 pixels, consider drawing the head alone at 3000*3000 pixels and rather scale it down later.

Save the large apple image (above) anywhere you want, just make sure you remember where you put it. Open the apple image you just saved in Painter Classic.

� 1997-2025 3DLuVrTM (Three Dee Lover)
Best viewed in 1024x768 or higher,
using any modern CSS compliant browser.