Lesson 2 - Sketching Session Added on: Fri Sep 01 2000 |
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Sketching is said to be the fundamental skill for any artist. Like a child, who has to learn to crawl before it can walk, you have to be able to sketch before you can paint. Sketching the apple is easy because it is a simple form, but it still teaches you the most important skill required for sketching: namely how to use your eyes.
All humans know how a face looks like, and we are all able to detect even the most subtle changes in each others faces. But, how many people are able to draw a human head that looks reasonably realistic?
The answer is that most people can't draw even the most basic shapes of the face right, and that is because they haven't looked at a face with the intention to draw it before. It requires a special way of observing but its is something everybody can learn.
I like to draw humans, and I have made alot of sketches of myself either looking in a mirror or at photographs. Whatever you like to draw, keep practicing doing sketches, either on your computer or on paper.

Example of sketch and finished painting.
Please remember that the sketch isn't suppose to look nice. Try doing fast sketches too, eventually use a watch and set a time limit for your self. Try sketching your hand, your dog, your bedroom, whatever, in 5 minutes.
With a time limit you have to work fast, and you probably only have time to include the major features of your motive. As always, have fun while drawing and don't give up if you don't get it right the first 100 times :).
We can't all be Rembrandts, but anybody can learn how to draw with enough practice.