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Lesson 3 - Gradients and Lighting
Added on: Mon Oct 09 2000
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Let's have a look at the photograph of the apple before we begin painting.

The apple photo

The photo above is from the Lesson 2. I hope you did not get too tired of, but if you feel you did I can promise you that shading it is more fun than sketching it. In Lesson 2 we looked at the outline of the shape and the form of the apple. Now that we got its sketch, we will look at the shading (the color) that covers the apple.
We got two things to think of when we look at the shading:

  • Shading created by pigments in the apple skin (texture)
  • Shading created by light
You can't tell from the image above, but the apple is red. The apple is covered with a detailed pattern of different red colors and small dots of yellow. I bet you have heard this before, but when painting, details should always be the last thing you do. In the apple photo we consider the apple texture to be details. So for now we will pretend that the apple is covered with a single, flat color.

The thing we are actually going to start painting first is the shading created by the light. I think it is a bit difficult too see the light shading in our apple photo, because the apple texture is distracting. I created a new picture of the apple in Photoshop (using the smartblur filter) where the details of the apple skin are less distracting

The apple photo with less skin texture

Much better! Some of the light dots are still remaining, but the general shading is easier to see. Save this image to your computer by right clicking on it and select "Save As". Save it anywhere you like, just remember where you put it.

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