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Lesson 3 - Gradients and Lighting
Added on: Mon Oct 09 2000
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This, I belive, will be the hardest part of this lesson. Not to scare you off, but rather to underline that this may require some tries before it gets right. Anyway, this is a good time to save your painting. Save your painting to TGA format.

Looking at our apple painting it is obvious that it needs some work before it looks realistic. In this step we will smoothen out the colors we painted with the Airbrush. This is very important for making the apple appear round.
We could do this by continue using the Airbrush as I know allot of artist do, but I prefer to smooth my paintings with the Water tool. (With the "Just add water variant")

[Note] The Water tool works allot like the smudge tool in Adobe's PhotoShop.

The image to the right was created from the image to the left in 2-3 minutes with the Water tool in Painter Classic. The Water tool simulates the actions of dragging a finger through wet paint. The tool picks up color where the stroke begins and pushes it in the direction you drag. In this image I've used the Water tool from the center of the white circle and pulled outwards.

1. Select the Water tool category, and the Just Add Water variant (this tool will be referred to as the Water tool for short). Set the following settings in the Control palette: Size: 25, Opacity: 50%, Grain: 79% (use this settings whenever I tell you to use the Water tool, unless otherwise stated)

[Note] A really annoying 'bug' in Painter Classic is that is doesn't remember the settings you last used with each tool. Say you use the Water tool with 50% opacity, then you select another tool and then when you select the water again it resets the opacity back to default (100%). This is fixed in later versions of Painter.

Start painting with the Water tool in our apple painting. Be careful not pressing too hard with this tool.
Rather do several light strokes than one hard. Also remember that the start point and the direction of your stroke is very important with this tool.

This what my apple looked like after using the Water tool. Quite an improvement to the Airbrush image, but it still need some more work. Since it is simply impossible that your apple painting look exactly like mine, you have to judge for yourself what you need to do further to your apple painting. Remember to look at your apple photo and you will be fine.

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