Lesson 3 - Gradients and Lighting Added on: Mon Oct 09 2000 |
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Smoothing (cont.)
If you have painted past your sketch lines (like I have in the image above) resulting in blurred, undefined edges, you can fix this with the Pens and Flat Pen variant. Paint using the paper color as color along the edges of the apple to sharpen them.

Edge blur removed with a Flat Pen
Finishing Details
This looks pretty sweet and we still have not included any details. Save your painting to TGA format now.
Also close the blurred apple photo and open the original apple photo without blur. If you compare our painted apple to the photo you will se that we still got some work to do...
Start adding details to the branch. Use the Photo tool category and the Burn variant with the settings: Size: 3, Opacity: 8%, Grain: 100%.
Painter's Burn works exactly like Photoshop's tool with the same name. In the Photo category there is also a variant called Dodge which is also a Photoshop alike tool. Blur and Dodge both changes the toning of an image. Burn makes an image darker, while Dodge makes an image lighter.
Use the Burn tool to add scratches, dirt and shadows to the branch. Then use the Dodge tool to add highlight to the branch. Dodge tool settings: Size: 7, Opacity: 3%, Grain: 100%
[Note] Be careful with the Dodge and the Burn tool. They first seem to have little effect, but they add up very quickly. This especially goes for the Dodge tool. Highlights are nifty details that can really live up your image, but don't overdo it! Computer artists tend to add far too much highlight.
Move on with the highlight on the apple skin. First use the Dodge tool with this settings: Size: 12, Opacity: 3%, Grain: 100%. Then continue with adding 'noise' to the highlight with this Dodge tool: Size: 3, Opacity: 20%, Grain: 100%.
[Note] If the skin of the apple were perfectly smooth the highlight would not be so irregular in shape. Perfectly smooth surfaces hardly exist in nature so adding irregularities will make your drawing look less artificial and computer generated. However, again there is a balance and too much irregularities will break the illusion.

Added Highlight and branch details (Click on image for a full resolution).